
Active filters

  • SM 500A

    It is an effective packaging product for the treatment of low and medium pressure steam boilers, formulated on the basis of alkalinity regulating agents, anti-scaling agents, dispersing agents, oxygen scavengers and volatile active ingredients that allow the protection against corrosion of the condensate line.

  • Fast Eco V

    Evaporable lubricant for flat glass cutting.

  • SM Filtros

    It is a product specially designed to favor the neutralization of charges and aggregation of glass particles from the glass machining process that are present in the cooling fluid, in order to effectively separate them by means of filtering systems, obtaining a significant reduction in the load of suspended and colloidal solids and, as a consequence, a fluid with very low turbidity.

  • TF Lube

    It is an effective 100% synthetic lubricant, long lasting and high performance, specially designed to be used in a wide range of temperatures and in severe humidity conditions.

    Its PTFE content ensures a low coefficient of friction at metal-to-metal contact points, reducing wear of the lubricated element.

  • Meton 25

    It is an energetic acid agent for chemical cleaning of parts, equipment and circuits. Effectively and quickly removes rust deposits, as well as those of a calcareous nature on metallic surfaces. Its surfactant and organic solvent content increases its wetting and degreasing capacity.

  • Kol

    Hydroalcoholic hand gel.

  • Esku

    It is a highly effective liquid gel that cleanses, cares for and protects the skin. Features cleaning microspheres that ensure the complete removal of the most stubborn soiling.

  • SM 50

    It is a highly versatile product, formulated to cover a wide range of functions in lubrication, cleaning, protection of machinery and metallic elements.

    It offers corrosion protection, damp-proofing, unblocking and even a "loosening" effect.

  • SM 611 Especial A1

    It is a liquid alkaline degreasing detergent for general use in the food industry that is highly effective in the removal of difficult soiling produced mainly by grease, proteins and starches. Especially suitable for the cleaning of burnt and strongly adhering soiling on fryers, ovens and other open surfaces such as floors, walls and conveyor belts.

  • SM 400

    It is an effective corrosion and deposits inhibitor, especially indicated for the protection of semi-open cooling circuits (cooling towers, evaporative condensers, etc.). Its corrosion inhibiting effect lies in its ability to form a protective coat on the metallic surface that prevents corrosion from developing. On the other hand, its sequestering and dispersing capacity makes it an effective scale inhibitor, enabling work at higher concentration cycles, increasing performance.

  • Eezy

    It is a multi-purpose product, formulated to quickly loosen and de-rust any rusted component, lubricating the metallic surface and protecting it against corrosion.

  • Super Coolant Multimetal

    It is a semi-synthetic cutting fluid, suitable for difficult machining operations. Offers an excellent cooling and detergent effect, effectively combined with optimum lubricating properties.